Pennine Brass : Constitution

The organisation shall be called "Pennine Brass", hereinafter called the Band.

To educate the public in the Musical Arts and, in particular, the art of brass band playing and to further the development of public appreciation and taste in the said art by the presentation of concerts and other activities.

1. The financial year shall end on 31st March each year.

2. The funds of the Band shall be kept in bank or building society accounts approved by the Management Team.

3. The Band may receive donations, grants in aid and financial guarantees and may levy charges for its services. Tickets for all or any of the Band's concerts and other events may be offered for sale to the public.

4. The income of the Band shall be applied solely toward promoting the objects of the Band and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred, either directly or indirectly, to any member or members of the Band, except in payment of legitimate expenses incurred on behalf of the Band. This rule shall not prevent the payment of a reasonable and proper remuneration to any member, officer or servant of the Band.

5. Cheques shall be signed by any two of the following officers of the band: Chairman, General Secretary or Treasurer (or designated deputy).

6. All expenditure shall be authorised by the Management Team.

7. The accounts of the Band shall be prepared annually for each financial year and be submitted to the Annual General Meeting for approval.

1. It is the policy of The Pennine Brass that all persons shall have equal opportunity for membership of the Band. The Band welcomes applications for membership and participation in its activities from any individual regardless of age, sex, sexual orientation, race, belief, or physical or mental disability.

2. The Management Team may, at its discretion, grant Full Membership of the Band to:

a. Honorary President
b. Musical Director and Assistant Musical Director
c. Players
d. Non-players who regularly participate in the administration and activities of the Band provided that the number of non-players admitted to membership shall not result in them being a significant proportion of the total number of Full Members.
3. The Management Team may, at its discretion, grant Life Membership to any Full Member of the Band who has rendered special service to the Band and has completed at least 15 years Full Membership. Life Members shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of Full Membership.

4. The Management Team may at its discretion grant Associate Membership of the Band to:

a. Players who have ceased regular playing
b. Persons who support or participate in the activities of the Band.
c. Associate Members shall be entitled to attend General Meetings but shall not be eligible to hold office, to propose or second candidates for office or to vote on any agenda item. They shall be subject to such special regulations as the Management Team may from time to time make regarding Associate Members.
5. Membership of the Band may be terminated by:

a. Expulsion by the Management Team
b. Resignation according to the Rules of Membership.

6. The General Secretary shall maintain registers of the names and addresses of Full Members and of Associate Members.

1. The Subscription for Full Members shall be such amount as shall be recommended by the Management Team and subsequently approved at a General Meeting by a simple majority of the Full Members present and entitled to vote.

2. A reduced Subscription may be determined for Full Members who are students in full-time education or who are aged at least 60 years and have retired from full-time employment. The Honorary President, Musical Director, Assistant Musical Director, Life Members and Associate Members shall not be required to pay an Annual Subscription.

3. Subscriptions fall due as recommended by the Management Team and subsequently approved at a General Meeting by a simple majority of the Full Members present and entitled to vote.

4. Any Full Member who has not paid his Subscription, or instalment thereof, within two months of a due date shall be considered in arrears.

5. The Management Team, on receiving information that any Full Member is unable to pay his Subscription owing to unemployment or other good cause, may, at its discretion, excuse payment or determine a reduced subscription for such period as it thinks fit.

6. On election to membership a new member will be liable to pro-rata subscriptions

7. A reduced Subscription may be determined for Full Members who pay a full years Subscription in advance, as recommended by the Management Team and subsequently approved at a General Meeting by a simple majority of the Full Members present and entitled to vote.

1. The Business Year shall be 1st April to 31st March and the Annual General Meeting shall be held before 31st May. The business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting shall be:

a) to approve the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting and any Extraordinary General Meeting(s) and deal with matters arising therefrom
b) to receive from the Management Team the Annual Report on the year's working
c) to receive the Statement of Accounts for the previous year
d) to elect the Honorary President and all officers and Management Team members for the ensuing year, (candidates for election must be proposed and seconded by Full Members of the Band).
e) to appoint the Scrutineer, (Officers and Executive Committee Members shall be excluded from appointment as Scrutineer. The Scrutineer shall be allowed access to all books and records)
f) to transact any other business relating to the affairs of the Band of which at least 14 days notice has been given and which has been included in the agenda
g) to transact, at the Chairman's discretion, any other business relating to the affairs of the Band.

2. Nine Full Members, who are present in person, shall form a quorum.

3. The General Secretary shall give not less than 28 days notice of the date, time and place of such meeting, notification to be displayed in the band room. The full agenda shall be displayed in the band room for one week prior to the meeting.

1. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called by the General Secretary in the following cases:

a) upon the direction of the Management Team
b) on a requisition signed by five Full Members of the Band stating the special object of the meeting.
c) The meeting shall consider only that business for which it was called.
d) The General Secretary shall give not less than 14 days notice of the date, time, place and special object of such meeting, notification to be displayed in the band room.

1. At all meetings of the Band, every question shall be decided by a show of hands, or by ballot (if so desired by the majority of those present), of the Full Members present. The Chairman of such meetings shall, in addition to being entitled to vote in the first instance, have a casting vote.

1. The Officers, who must be Full Members, shall be Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer and Bandmaster, all of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting in each year and shall respectively be eligible for re-election if still in Full Membership.

2. The Chairman shall take the chair at all meetings of the Band. If at any time the Chairman is absent, the meeting shall proceed to elect a chairman for that meeting from among the Full Members present. The Management Team may fill casual vacancies in any of the said offices for the remaining period of that term.

1. A Management Team, composed of the Officers and up to four Committee Members, shall discharge all business appertaining to the activities of the Band and shall be empowered to administer such funds as may be placed at the disposal of the Band, including investment and/or borrowing, for the furtherance of the objects of the Band.

2. The Management Team shall be responsible for seeing that proper accounts are kept of all monies received and expended by the Band and the accounts shall, after audit, be presented to the Annual General Meeting and certified copies of the Statement of Accounts, together with the Scrutineer confirmation of acceptance, shall be displayed on the notice board in the band room for at least one month following the Annual General Meeting. The books of accounts and Statements of Accounts must be preserved for at least seven years.

3. The Management Team shall have powers:

a) To fill casual vacancies arising of Committee members
b) When desirable, to co-opt additional members for the remaining period of the term
c) To appoint, after full consultation with the membership, the Musical Director and Assistant Musical Director
d) To appoint a non-Executive Minutes Secretary
e) Co-opted members will not have voting rights on the Management Team.
f) Only Full Members may exercise voting rights on the Management Team.
g) Five Members shall constitute a quorum.
4. The Honorary President shall have the right of membership of the Management Team.

1. The Management Team may, from time to time, make, amend or rescind Rules and Regulations that the Committee consider expedient for the proper and efficient management of the Band, provided always that such Rules and Regulations shall not be inconsistent with this Constitution.

1. Patrons may be appointed by the Management Team upon payment of a donation of such an amount as shall be recommended by the Management Team and subsequently approved at a General Meeting by a simple majority of the Full Members present. Patrons shall be entitled to benefits determined from time to time by the Management Team for a period of twelve months from the date of their appointment.

2. Appointment as a Patron shall not confer membership of the Band.

1. The Management Team may nominate trustees and their appointment shall be approved at a General Meeting. Trustees shall hold office until death or resignation unless they are removed from office on the recommendation of the Management Team by a resolution approved by a simple majority at a General Meeting. The number of Trustees shall not be more than two.

2. Properties belonging to the Band shall be vested in and controlled by the Trustees but they shall deal with such properties as directed by resolution of the Management Team, (of which an entry in the Minute Book shall be conclusive evidence), provided that any such direction shall not infringe the law relating to the duties and responsibilities of Trustees. Trustees shall be indemnified by the Band against risk and expense arising out of the proper discharge of their duties.

1. The constitution may be altered only at a General Meeting.

2. Any alteration must be submitted to the General Secretary in writing and bear the signatures of the proposer and seconder.

3. Notice of any proposed alteration shall be posted in the band room for at least 14 days previous to the meeting.

4. Any alteration shall require the votes of at least two-thirds of the Full Members present at such meeting.

5. No alteration to the constitution is valid if it is inconsistent with the objects of the Band.

A resolution to discontinue the work of the Band shall be considered at a General Meeting of which proper notice has been given and at which not less than one half of the Full Members shall be present. If passed, any property and monies belonging to the Band, after payment of expenses and liabilities properly incurred, shall not be distributed to its members, but shall be devoted to some charity or charities having objects similar to those of the Band, or to some other charity.

This constitution was approved at the 1st Annual General Meeting held on 3rd June 1999.

(Issue 1 - May 1999)